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Think of one of your favorite video games. Doesn't necessarily have to be your favorite of all time (though that isn't a bad idea for this topic), but it should be one that you've enjoyed immensely, ideally for countless hours over the years.

Now, name 3 flaws (or things you consider flaws) of the game you're thinking of.

(Make sure to actually name the game you are talking about.)
Mad Max.

- Not completely devoid of invisible walls.

- Really asking for Fallout-like, or at least Stalker-like, interactions (cause the environment is so well crafted, it sometimes reminds you of them).

- Consoley save system (respawn at stronghold when relaunching the game).
Close Combat 2 a bridge too far.

No remapping of keys, the overlay map often doesn't match you own perspective, thus shots that look like they will hit are a miss. A major flaw in having the comp read a grid under the painted maps...something that should be solved going 3d....or 2d-½ if the overhead perspective is kept.
No building height.
Post edited October 19, 2016 by DampSquib
Cool idea for a thread. I'd pick

Evil Genius
1.) Hotels are useless
2.) Your minions are too stupid and keep walking into base traps
3.) Pop cap is way too low (but at least it can easily be increased in some way)

Commandos 2
1.) I don't like how all the nazi soldiers tend to calm down after a while, even after half of the base has been destroyed with dynamite. I think that any perceived attack on a base/location should've been accompanied with a set timer for massive reinforcements or something. Perhaps with all soldiers being on high alert until the reinforcements arrive.
2.) The spy is too powerful, and it's stupid how enemy uniforms only work for a limited amount of time for your other commandos
3.) It ends

Quake 4
1.) Hard difficulty is stupid. Essentially all it does is to double enemy health which only made the fighting more annoying. I wanted more enemies instead, and perhaps less health.
2.) Final boss fight is a let down
3.) It ends
Sorry Chrono Trigger is perfect and I refuse to accept otherwise.
*Coveres ears*. Lalalalala. Not listening.

Now for Deus Ex:
-Arguably terrible foreign voice acting (although good in the sense that it's funny)
-Goofy ass bug that let you move for a second when accessing security terminals before entering it which lends to cheating. (fixed in Deus Ex HR)
-Difficulty was not difficult enough and should be set to realistic mode by default.
Post edited October 19, 2016 by eksasol
Dragon Wars

1) End boss fight was a bit dissatisfying, as was the ending
2) Some of the skills were worthless
3) What the hell was ever going on in that ruined mansion? Slaves in the basement with a full contingent of guards to watch them, but just a ruined building above with a "gaze beast" that did nothing but break your mirrors - which had no use? Who dropped the ball on that script?
eksasol: Sorry Chrono Trigger is perfect and I refuse to accept otherwise.
*Coveres ears*. Lalalalala. Not listening.
I'll post mine later (it will be FF5), but Chrono Trigger did have flaws, and I can name 3 of them:
1. There is a point where you need to button mash to continue the game. (This is actually the one thing that makes me dread replaying this game.)
2. Too many role violations. The most blatant is that the primary healer (Marle) gets no multi-target healing, but other characters do (Frog/Robo). Similarly, the only character who gets a status cure ability is Ayla, who is a physical fighter, not a mage.
3. Despite having a variety of locations, the game has only one normal battle theme.
(Also, if you allow it, the extra dungeons added to the DS version weren't that great.)
The Witcher 3:

- horrible loot system,
- trash mobs everywhere,
- over-reliance on witcher senses.

I still love the game.
Final Fantasy 5:
1. There are permanent missables (most notably, some bard songs and summons, luckily no blue magic)
2. Some parts of the game are a bit too cutscene heavy for my tastes, mainly the very beginning and the end of the 2nd world/beginning of the 3rd.
3. Freelancer and Mime are too powerful once you master other jobs, and they seem to take away from the strategy of the job system.

It's still my Favorite Final Fantasy and one of my favorite games of all time.
The Lord of the Rings Online
1 - slightly outdated graphics, especially concerning characters. Landscapes, monsters, housings are great but characters are quite meh
2 - Legendary weapons, I can't seem to really understand what's good waht's bad and crafting new runes takes a lot of time
3 - Incomplete translations/voiceovers : that's really annoying and shows lack of interest from the developing team for any other language than english
Max Payne


Think, think...

No, I've got nothing. I seriously can't think of one. And I'm not trying to be an ass here. Max Payne was the first game that I thought off, and then then I drew a blank trying to figure any flaws. The sequel- yeah, I'd find some flaws there (Max's new face, the goofy final fight), though I still think it's great despite that. But I honestly do think the first one is flawless.
Post edited October 20, 2016 by Breja
Does it count if it's a retro issue?

My favorite game ever is Diablo 2 and it pisses me off there are no reliable widescreen fixes, but really, how is that the fault of the game or the designers?
Favorite game: Diablo 2

1) Major Flaw: Getting past 1.09 version and introducing synergies, as well as hellishly difficult hell
2) They fixed OP barbarian and assassin
3) Cow level is no longer the marvel it once used to be
On second thought I hate Diablo 2 and I'm never playing it again. :P
low rated
tinyE: On second thought I hate Diablo 2 and I'm never playing it again. :P
I just reinstalled it! Tell me your account name, luv, i want to play it multi with you!